Most common injuries made by running
Running is one of the best things you can do for your health. From weight loss and cancer prevention to a boost in mood and self-esteem, there are various benefits to practicing this sport.
While there is a risk of injury, depending on how much experience a runner has, running is much safer than football, for example, according to The most common lesions depending on the area in which they occur:
Patellofemoral pain syndrome
Also known as the runner’s knee, this syndrome is an extremely painful knee condition that manifests itself in pain in the patella. Vigorous training can lead to excessive wear and damage to the articular cartilage and pain occurs when bending the leg, jumping, or descending / climbing stairs.
- articular rest
- choosing a suitable pair of sports shoes
- application of ice packs
Achilles tendon disorders
The Achilles tendon, the largest tendon in the human body, connects the calf and heel muscles, allowing the fingers to move while walking or running. The Achilles tendon allows plantar flexion and ensures the insertion of the triceps muscle on the heel. The rupture of the Achilles tendon appears overstretched, followed by its partial or complete rupture. Symptoms include sharp pain in the back of the ankle and lower leg, making it impossible to move. It is very important to choose a piece of equipment that you can find by analyzing US stores about mens fitness clothes online reviews. You will find special equipment that will protect you when you run.
- rest for 6 to 12 weeks
- changing the training that caused the rupture
- physiotherapy, massage, ultrasound therapy
- wearing comfortable shoes and avoiding as much as possible slippers or high-heeled shoes that lead to tendon irritation
- local application of ice
Risk groups
Certain groups of runners have a higher risk of injury: beginners, runners with previous injuries, those who run more than 65 km per week, those who suddenly increase speed or distance, and women with low bone density (with osteopenia or osteoporosis). ).
To reduce the risk of injuries while running, you need to consider a few general recommendations:
- If you are a beginner, you should run slower at the beginning and gradually increase the duration and distance
- Include in the weekly running program 1-2 days off or days in which to do other types of exercises (such as muscle strengthening)
- choose comfortable shoes that provide the necessary support to the foot, and change sneakers every 500 to 800 km run
- soft surfaces (eg treadmill or running tracks) are more suitable than hard surfaces (cement, asphalt).
- Although many runners like to warm up before running, this has not been shown to reduce the risk of injury.
The most effective treatment for running injuries is rest or change of activity to allow healing. Other remedies are ice, special devices, such as splints or orthoses, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In case of more serious injuries, physical therapy can be helpful. Surgery is rarely necessary.
If you feel pain while running for several days or the pain is strong enough to stop you from running, see a doctor immediately. Do not try to force your feet.